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January 21, 2023

2022 Technical Assistance Grants

Con Alma Health Foundation grants focus on ensuring that all people have full and equal access to opportunities that enable them to lead healthy lives. To that end, the Foundation awards grants each year to support nonprofits’ efforts to improve their communities’ health.

Technical Assistance Grants – Strengthening the capacity of New Mexico’s nonprofit sector (7 grants, totaling $165,000)

We congratulate the 2022 Technical Assistance Grant recipients!

Breath of My Heart Birthplace ($25,000) to support a comprehensive home birth and midwifery practice in Española. The work will ensure access for Indigenous, Black, immigrant, and LGBTQ2S+ peoples of color in the Española Valley and outlying communities to the free walk-in clinic, young parents support group, free food distribution and delivery program, and an expanding scope of full spectrum childbirth support.

Deming Silver Linings ($25,000) to support staffing who will assist homeless clients in developing life skills and navigating social and mental health services in Luna County with the goal of reducing homelessness. Part-time staff will help clients develop communication and problem-solving skills and work 1:1 with clients to help them navigate available social and mental health services in the county.

Health Equity Alliance for LGBTQ New Mexicans ($20,000) to secure diverse funding streams for sustainable program growth and increase advocacy on health policies that affect the health of LGBTQ+ people across racial/ethnic backgrounds and socio-economic status in both urban and rural communities.

Inside Out ($20,000) for strategic planning, website updates, and staff IT training. The organization is located in Española and serves people across 25 zip codes. Inside Out is rooted in Certified Peer Support.

New Mexico Alliance for School-Based Health Care ($25,000) to increase staffing capacity in support of an expansion of school-based health centers in New Mexico, and to provide guidance to ensure state funds serve children with the greatest unmet needs.

New Mexico Kids Matter Inc. ($25,000) to develop and deliver racial equity workshops to members of the child welfare system community in New Mexico. Workshop participants will develop skills to actively address bias and racism in their daily work to improve health and well-being outcomes for the vulnerable and underserved children and families involved with the state’s child welfare system.

Valencia Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence ($25,000) to ensure the shelter can meet technological demands of the current and future workforce and service climate, with tools and skills that are adaptable, relevant and responsive. Staff will be equipped with the necessary hardware, software, and accompanying technical assistance to ensure the shelter has seamless, cross-department, cross-sector communication for successful agency operations.

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