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November 28, 2023

2023 Northern New Mexico Health Grant Recipients

Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group Promoting the health and wellness of the people of Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and northern Santa Fe counties through a partnership between the Con Alma Health Foundation and the Hospital Auxiliary for Los Alamos Medical Center (9 grants, totaling $150,000)

We congratulate the 2023 Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group Grant Recipients!

Cancer Foundation for New Mexico ($15,000) to provide mileage reimbursement for patients traveling to Santa Fe for cancer treatment and help ensure access to cancer treatment regardless of a patient’s economic status or where they live.

Inside Out ($20,000) to provide hot, nutritious meals, hygiene kits, clothing, and camping gear when necessary. Clients will be assisted in acquiring ID, birth certificates and medically assisted treatment. They will have access to a computer lab, mail services, a monthly legal aid clinic, weekly acupuncture clinic, and daily educational groups, including life skills and conflict resolution.

Los Alamos Juvenile Justice Advisory Board ($15,000) to provide at least four Youth Mental Health First Aid courses in Los Alamos County for 10-20 adults at each training. The program is available to any community member, including teachers, clergy, coaches and camp counselors.

Many Mothers ($15,000) for staff training in the use of perinatal/postpartum mood and anxiety disorder assessments conducted during home visits of potential clients in Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, and Los Alamos counties.

Mesa to Mesa ($20,000) to provide staff and Board of Directors with capacity building training in a strategic and thoughtful manner that will increase their ability to assist those in need.

New Mexico Primary Care Training Consortium ($20,000) for partnering with Medicos de El Centro, the New Mexico Primary Care Training Consortium, and El Centro Family Health to continue developing a new Family Medicine Residency with the overarching goal of training doctors to stay and practice in rural Northern New Mexico communities.

Santa Fe Recovery Center ($20,000) to further advance the Therapeutic Child Care program which assesses children’s needs and assists women to develop parenting skills and establish healthy bonds with their children, support early childhood development and mental health, and end the cycle of generational trauma. The center will provide care for approximately 45 women and children from Rio Arriba, Los Alamos, and Northern Santa Fe counties.

Scotts House ($15,000) to expand outreach and services to rural communities in the tri-county area and address social determinants of health by increasing access to quality health care and providing a critical piece of the continuum of care for underserved elders at the end of their life. Scott’s House is the region’s only hospice house providing a free residence and care.

Self Help ($10,000) to refresh and leverage the Los Alamos Mental Health Access Project website, expanding access to critical mental health resources and support for Northern New Mexicans living in Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and northern Santa Fe counties.

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