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November 28, 2023

2023 Statewide Grant Recipients

Con Alma Health Foundation grants focus on ensuring that all New Mexicans have full and equal access to opportunities that enable them to lead healthy lives. To that end, the Foundation awards grants each year to support nonprofits’ efforts to improve their communities’ health. (28 grants, totaling $650,000)

We congratulate the 2023 Con Alma Health Foundation Grant Recipients!

100% Otero ($25,000) to help eliminate childhood trauma in Otero County by ensuring that 100% of the 23,590 households have knowledge of and ready access to ten vital services needed to survive and thrive: food, housing, medical/dental care, behavioral health care, transportation, parent supports, early childhood learning, community schools, youth mentoring, and job training.

Avenues Early Childhood Services ($25,000) to create bilingual and culturally appropriate resources for teaching prenatal and early childhood dental hygiene. This project will help address language and cultural gaps among healthcare professionals in the McKinley County community.

Centro Savila ($25,000) to provide access to affordable, bilingual, and culturally and linguistically relevant mental health services and prevention programs to underserved populations in Bernalillo County.

Community Engagement Center ($25,000) to nurture leadership and community capacity building with transformational non-profits in New Mexico. The program will provide youth leaders with mentorship, community-based learning, and guidance into a career, service, or higher education pathways.

Deaf Culture Center of New Mexico ($25,000) to help launch a Deaf Entrepreneurial Program focused on creating an on-site Deaf Coffee Shop that will help people in this marginalized population learn career skills, earn a living wage and thrive as employed individuals. Funding will support operational capacity and outreach to deaf, deaf/blind, hard-of-hearing communities.

Enlace Comunitario ($25,000) to mitigate the harmful health effects of domestic violence through culturally specific wraparound services, recognizing that clients’ mental and emotional health are inextricably tied to other aspects of their holistic health, including financial and physical health.

Fundamental Needs Inc ($20,000) to help households on the Navajo Nation that lack running water to install off-grid water systems that include water tanks, solar water pumps and heaters, a sink to access the water, and greywater gardens to leverage every drop of their water.

Gerard’s House ($15,000) to create a short, two-part Spanish-language film addressing cultural stigmas about grief and the benefits of grieving for Latino and Hispanic program participants in Santa Fe, and to the general community statewide. Part one will include practices and information to prevent, reduce, and alleviate birth traumas. Part two will provide key information about grief to the broader Latino/Hispanic community.

Healing Circle Drop-In Center ($25,000) to reconnect and promote language, culture, and traditional practices for holistic wellness and growth in the recovery journey in the Shiprock area.

Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign ($25,000) to help create a plan in New Mexico that guarantees health coverage and controls costs.

Healthy Native Communities Partnership ($25,000) to help improve the health and well-being of Navajo people by increasing connections with healthcare services and wellness resources, and to improve self-efficacy in accessing healthcare and wellness services.

IMPACT Personal Safety ($20,000) to provide training for caretakers, educators, and other service providers on how to prevent harm and abuse for people with disabilities within their institutions.

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center ($25,000) to facilitate farmer success by offering critical spaces, technologies, and resources that assist Natives and local entrepreneurs to achieve economic opportunities and business success.

Justice Access Support and Solutions for Health dba Casa de Salud ($25,000) to support opportunities in changing local hospital policies to reduce the medical debt burden, help the state transform Medicaid into value-based care, build support and awareness around the State’s new plan to offer undocumented New Mexicans access to insurance in 2024, and to continue leadership on various statewide health councils.

Mandy’s Farm ($25,000) to complete the cycle of farm to table with persons with disabilities leading the planning of farming practices and food growth, and educating their peers and caregivers about nutrition and sustainable and ethical food growing practices.

New Mexico CASA Association ($20,000) to introduce restorative justice processes into the New Mexico Children’s Court system for child abuse and neglect cases.

New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty ($25,000) to provide analysis and advocacy to ensure Medicaid Forward is effectively studied, that community priorities are central to all program designs, and that residents have important information about new coverage options. This project will significantly expand access to affordable healthcare coverage, leading to transformational improvements in New Mexicans’ health and well-being.

New Mexico Community AIDS Partnership ($15,000) to provide professional training on gender affirming care to increase access to supportive, culturally appropriate care for transgender and nonbinary youth and adults throughout New Mexico, who currently lack access to supportive providers and experience intense stigma and marginalization.

New Mexico Environmental Law Center ($20,000) to support work with rural, frontline, low-income, Indigenous and other people of color in defending communities against environmental and health threats caused by the toxic legacy of uranium, especially in Northwestern NM.

New Mexico Immigrant Law Center ($25,000) to increase access to immigrant youth entering the healthcare or other critical workforce areas.

One Generation ($25,000) to strengthen food systems by improving healthy food access, food security, and economic opportunities for Native Americans, creating a network of prosperous, sustainable farm operations amongst Native and rural communities.

Partnership for Community Action ($20,000) to address challenges that hinder historically marginalized populations’ access to quality healthcare, economic opportunities, and overall well-being through an intersectional, multifaceted approach, including educational workshops, skill-building programs, community outreach, access to resources, and policy advocacy.

Sandplay Therapists of America ($25,000) to train and credential 24 Sandplay therapists of diverse backgrounds and employment settings through a “community of practice” model to increase access to care while also addressing clinical workforce development and retention.

Scott’s House ($20,000) to continue providing a critical piece of the continuum of care as the only hospice house in the region providing a free residence and free care for underserved elders at the end of their life in Central and Northern New Mexico.

Silver Hill Access Point and Education ($25,000) to establish and maintain three Community Health Vending Machines in Bernalillo, Rio Arriba, and Santa Fe stocked with Naloxone, sterile substance-use supplies, fentanyl test strips, condoms, pregnancy tests, HIV self-tests, personal health products and health literature.

Southwest Women’s Law Center ($25,000) to make transformative changes to improve the childcare system in New Mexico, ensuring equitable, accessible, high-quality, affordable, culturally relevant childcare with a diverse, well-paid, and well-supported workforce.

Taos Health Systems ($25,000) to support a data specialist in developing a new system for billing Medicaid for its Community Health Worker program –the first time an organization in the state will bill Medicaid for Community Health Worker services that ensure women in Taos, Colfax, Union, Harding, and Mora counties have access to perinatal care, other medical care and social services.

Three Sisters Kitchen ($25,000) to build capacity in the home health care workforce, ensuring high quality senior care and good jobs for home health aides by increasing healthy food access and support for healthy eating behaviors, strengthening networks of support, and creating and sustaining leadership opportunities for home health care providers.

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