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November 22, 2024

2015 Hero

Con Alma Health Foundation is proud to announce that Kim Posich, executive director of New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty in Albuquerque, is this year’s Hero of Health. Posich has led the New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty for the past 13 years, advancing economic and social justice through education, advocacy and litigation. The Center has focused on removing barriers to health care and working toward health equity in which every New Mexican has an equal chance at living a healthy life regardless of a person’s ethnicity, zip code or income, one of Con Alma’s central goals as well, said Dolores E. Roybal, Con Alma’s executive director.

“It’s always hard to choose between our nominees who make a wonderful difference in our state, but Kim clearly rose to the top because of his incredible leadership and the far reaching impact he has had in assuring people access to affordable health care,” Roybal said.

Pamelya Herndon, executive director of Southwest Women’s Law Center, nominated Posich for carrying out the Center’s mission “in a manner to ensure that basic human rights are met, especially the right to quality, affordable health care,” she wrote in her nomination letter.

“He truly embodies the spirit and purpose of the award as a dedicated advocate for healthcare, and the improvement of healthcare, for low-income families in New Mexico,” wrote Herndon. “Most importantly, hundreds of thousands of low-income New Mexicans are leading healthier, more secure lives because of his efforts.”

In honor of this year’s health hero, Con Alma is donating $1,000 to a nonprofit Posich selected, New Mexico Immigrant Law Center.

“I am pleased and proud to be called Con Alma’s Hero of Health,” Posich said. “And I know, as we all do, that there are thousands of us advocates, providers, funders and other community members who, on any given day, are working hard to promote health and health equity in New Mexico. I am grateful to all of you who do so, for your commitment and energy and for your own daily acts of heroism in service to others.”

Con Alma chose Posich from among 23 nominees. Nominees included state legislators, nurses, volunteers, doctors, healers, nonprofit directors and advocates for, the homeless, cancer services, health-care access, healthy-food access, and minority populations.

Past heroes include Vicky Johnson of Silver City, Juliana Anastasoff of University of New Mexico, Rebecca Palacio of New Mexico State University, Chuck Howe of National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center, and Kristine Suozzi of New Mexico Health Equity Working Group. Con Alma will honor Posich at its annual grantee recognition event on Nov. 12.

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