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August 13, 2024
BoardCon Alma Health FoundationNews

Introducing Our New Brand: A Commitment to New Mexico’s Health and Well-being

Con Alma Website on Screen for rebranding

We are excited to unveil our new brand, a bold and vibrant expression of our deep-rooted commitment to the Land of Enchantment. As the Con Alma Health Foundation, steadfast in our mission to improve the health and well-being of every resident in New Mexico, this rebrand is more than a visual update—it marks a transformative chapter in our journey. This rebrand symbolizes a renewed vigor in amplifying our impact, fortifying our connections, and elevating our mission within the community. It is a testament to our enduring dedication and a beacon of our future aspirations to create lasting, positive change across New Mexico. 

Our New Look 

Our new logo symbolizes unity, collaboration, and progress, encapsulating our belief in fostering positive change. The new colors draw inspiration from New Mexico’s stunning landscapes and rich cultural diversity. We hope you love our refreshed look as much as we do. 

Strategic Commitment 

Looking ahead, we are committed to addressing the most pressing health needs of our diverse communities across New Mexico. With an updated strategic plan, we aim to transform and deepen our relationships with community partners and peer funders, moving from responsive philanthropy to a more strategic approach. 

Focus Areas 

Our grant-making will continue to prioritize the needs of rural New Mexico and our tribal lands, with a strategic focus on: 

  • Access to health and healthcare
  • Health equity
  • Cultural competence
  • Community engagement

We remain steadfast in our ultimate goal: shaping a healthier life for everyone in New Mexico. 

As we move forward on a path of sustainability and strategic focus, I am confident that together, we can make a lasting difference in the health and well-being of our communities. Our partnerships with organizations within our state will continue to be the foundation of our work. Looking ahead our collaborative efforts will be a symbol of our commitment to all that live in New Mexico.

In Health,

Linda Candelaria-Dodd
Executive Director | Con Alma Health Foundation
505-438-0776 ext 3 | 505-947-8898 (cell) |

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